Nature tourism as a tool for
Muezersky District
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union.
The contents of the publication is the sole responsibility of City of Lieksa and
can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

Russian version Social potential of the district
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Water tourism

Geomorphology and landscapes
Rivers and lakes

Natural Resources

Protected Areas
Analysis and evaluation
Lake Tulos

Social potential
Subsurface resources
Nature tourism

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European Union

The project is founded by the European Union

City of Leksa

This project is implemented by the City of Lieksa

Social potential of the district: demography, employment, labour market

The spatial structure of the district communities includes one urban type settlement - Muezersky (3451 people) and 25 rural communities joined under 14 administrations. Urban residents account for about 24% of the district population, which is one of the lowest indices for Karelia. The largest rural settlements are villages Ledmozero (2697 people), Voloma (1572), Sukkozero (1710), Lendery (1428), Reboly (1448).

Fig. 1. Available population dynamic
in the Muezersky District over 1990-2001

The demographic structure of the district population has a number of specific features. First, it is one of the most sparsely populated municipalities in Karelia. It is the 17th among the 19 municipalities of the republic as regards population.

The district, just like the republic in general, is experiencing a loss of population, but the loss is lower than in other districts of the republic owing to a low death rate. On the other hand, out-migration has been exceeding in-migration since 1990.

The age structure of population in the district is quite favourable: nearly 60% are in the working age, and 57% of the working age population are males. Yet, people younger than the working age constitute the least numerous age class (20%).

Table 1. Employment in different sectors of the Muezersky District economy (%)

Industry (incl. logging, manufacturing, energy)59,344,6
Trade, public catering9,60,8
Public utilities and services2,07,7
Healthcare, sport & fitness, social security5,010

The employment structure in the district is fashioned by the district's focus on forest industries. Therefore, the greatest proportion of the employed population works in the logging industry. The second position is occupied by trade, and then comes the social sphere.

The greatest official unemployment (332 persons) was recorded in 1998 and lasted 6.6 months. Early in 2001, mean unemployment duration in the district was 3.9 months. The youth (16-29 year-olds) account for about 27%, and women - for 61% of total unemployment. These figures correspond to an average in the republic. Yet, the district has 309 unemployed per 1 job vacancy, which indicates a high level of hidden unemployment. This level is the highest in the republic.

The Muezersky District social infrastructure is made up of educational institutions. These are 11 nurseries with 532 children and 15 public secondary schools with 2902 pupils. The teaching staff is 329 teachers.

The overall characteristics of the social situation in the district are the lowest urbanisation in the republic, low population size and density. Furthermore, the age structure is fairly beneficial, with a high proportion of the working age population. A distinguishing feature of the Muezersky District is a relatively low death rate compared with the rest of the republic.

Expert: T.V.Morozova.

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Last modified on May 16, 2003