Nature tourism as a tool for
Muezersky District
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union.
The contents of the publication is the sole responsibility of City of Lieksa and
can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

Russian version Climate
About project
Project aims
Major project activities
Relevant projects
Project results

Water tourism

Geomorphology and landscapes
Rivers and lakes

Natural Resources

Protected Areas
Analysis and evaluation
Lake Tulos

Social potential
Subsurface resources
Nature tourism

About Site

European Union

The project is founded by the European Union

City of Leksa

This project is implemented by the City of Lieksa

Muezersky District lies in the north-west of the temperate climate belt. The climate forms under the influence of the dominant Atlantic and Arctic air masses. Specific patterns of atmospheric circulation, irradiance, vicinity of the Baltic, White and Barents seas, an assortment of local conditions make the weather unstable all year round. The winter is lengthy, although fairly mild; the spring arrives rather late with frequent cold period recurrences; the summer is cool and short; relative air humidity is high and precipitation is abundant.

Mean monthly air temperature in the coldest month - January - is about -12oC. with air temperatures below -5oC is 125-130 days, on average. Winter in the district lasts 5.5-6 months - from the third ten days of October to the beginning of the second ten days of April. The lowest air temperature ever was -49oC (Reboly). The snow cover settles in the second half of November - early December. It normally persists until the second/third ten days of April. The number of snow covered days is 165-170.

In April, mean daily air temperature grows constantly above 0oC and the spring comes. In May, the temperature keeps growing to overcome a 10oC. mark early in June. Yet, frosts may still occur until around July 10. The frost-free period duration is 95-100 days.

Summer (period with temperatures above 10oC) lasts an average of three months. The warmest month of the year is July with its mean monthly air temperature +15:+16oC. The maximum air temperature ever was +33oC (Reboly).

First frosts normally occur late in August. In the first ten days of September the air temperature establishes below +10oC, and by early October - below +5oC.

Marine air masses formed over the Atlantic and prevailing throughout the year are responsible for high air humidity (a yearly average of about 80%). The lowest values are recorded in May-June, but even then mean monthly humidity never goes below 60%. The highest air humidity (to 90-92%) is recorded in November-December.

As regards precipitation volumes, the district can be classified as excessively moistened. Average annual precipitation amounts to 550-600 mm. Precipitation is the greatest in August, and the least in February.

Expert: A.V.Litvinenko.

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Last modified on May 12, 2003