This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of the publication is the sole responsibility of City of Lieksa and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
The structure of the Muezersky District land resources is as follows (data of 1.01.2002):
Agricultural land
1199 ha
(< 0,1 %);
2150 ha
(< 0,1%);
Areas under industrial premises, roads, service lines, etc.
5152 ha
(0.3 %);
Reserved land
9787 ha
(0.5 %)
State Forest Fund land
1747 739 ha
(99 %)
1 766 027 ha
Thus, nearly the whole of the Muezersky District territory is the so-called State Forest Fund (SFF) land, which falls under the authority of the Republic of Karelia Department for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation Ministry for Natural Resources.
About 64% of the SFF land is forestland, of which 61% is forested (about 3% - non-regenerated felled areas). The rest of the territory is almost totally occupied by mires (24%) and lakes (10%). About 6% of the SFF land is 1st group forest (waterside protection). "Mature and overmature" stands (older than 120 years) cover some 30% of forested land, and young stands (younger than 40 years) - 35%. Total growing timber stock is about 85 million cubic metres, including 48 million in "mature and overmature" stands (where clear-cuttings are permitted).
Allowable cut in the Muezersky forest enterprise is 607,200 cub. m., in the Sukkozersky forest enterprise - 258,000 cub. m. (total for the Muezersky District is 865,200 cub. m., i.e. about 9.5% of the allowable cut for Republic of Karelia at large).
Non-timber resource potential (berries, forage and medicinal plants) compared with Karelia in general
There has been no special inventory of non-timber resources in the Muezersky District. Expert assessments report of average for Karelia resources of cowberry shoots and berries, bilberry leaves and berries, marsh tea shoots and lichens.
Biological resources, kg / ha forested area / total area